Inside you could find small pocket where you could put your wallet, keys, foils for poop or other useful stuff for a walking. For the safety reason, inside there is special belt with piton you could attach to your dog or cat for harnesses, colars or blouse with hook so that your animal will not fall from the bag while going with him.
PORTO bag – it’s the most beautiful combo in bright colors in the market and accessories nobody won’t pass indifferently. There are two facilities – in the middle of handle there is special material that prevent our shoulder and arms against encroaching and second – there is second, longer belt. We will appreciate it especially during long trips. This belt is removable.
In the same pattern you could buy harnesses PORTo or BAHAMAS, leashes BAHAMAS, bags for snacks, beds, boxes for toys or car seats.
Diamensions: 43cm long, 27cm high, 17cm width; floor: 35cm x 17cm, High with belts: 50cm Ideal for cats and dogs with maximum 3,5-4kg.