You could buy Chloe’s Home products by our online shop To buy our products, look into our offer in each categories or search it by main words.

After finding the products, choose the best color and size (if it’s available).
Clicking „add to bag” products will add to your basket. Page confirmed what you have choosen will appear. If you want to continue your order, click „Continue order” and if you want to procesing the order, click buttom „Order now” and you will come to page with login.

After choosing all products you want to buy, choose backet buton in the right corner. Check if all sizes and colors are correct, if not you could delete or change all details. To log, you could create an account, login (both reccomended, it wille asy next order) or buy as a guest. In the next step you will have to choose delivery, payment and confirm your data.

You could pay by transfer (all the details will be sent by an email). Ready! After we will get money on our account the Chloe’s Home product will be sent to you so wait for the courier.